Thursday, October 16, 2008

Red Hot Sexyness

Well didn't go to Knight School at Fight Practice Tuesday, was feeling all that well and haven't been sleeping well. Wasn't going to go to armouring either, but glad I did, as I had a great time.

Sent a good portion of it just talking with Zach and getting the placement of my heater shield done (going to strap it up this weekend) and talked about putting together my new sword too. Zach painted up his new shield (or at least got it started).

I got all my leg pieces sanded finally and now I will move on to getting them buffed and polished. Once that is done, I will put them together and strap them up and they will be done, finally.

Zach got his sabaton braced and then fired it......can see some pics of it on his blog was some coolness.

Mary gets home Wednesday, really looking forward to her getting back. When are still trying to decide on dog names for the new puppy: 1. Fyodor, 2. Niko or 3. Titus.

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