Thursday, March 4, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Well got out to armouring last night, didn't get a whole lot done, but got my ideas on my aventail (chain maille drape that hangs from the edge of my helm) remeasured and confirmed so I feel much more confident on cutting the damn thing this time.

It was nice to get back into the groove, tried to work on my frontal greaves (lower leg armour that covers the shin and sides of the calf), but had forgotten what I had been doing, so was kinda stumped. It has to be the hardest piece of armour I have ever attempted as they have a lot of complete curves. Just look at your lower leg, it is not a neat even cone.....

Since I am not working, this means I do not have to eat fast food, so going to go on a diet and eat better. Less fat, sugar and carbs and more lean meats, vegetables and smaller portions.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Limper

Well I am on short-term disability leave for 30 days to let my calf muscle heal. We tried the no standing at work and it just didn't work, having to do 3-4 jobs at the same time and only having 3 techs a day just makes it too hard for the rest of the staff. Not to mention that the pharmacy is a ergonomic nightmare and was designed as a torture chamber if you are trying to sit down.

Got my crutches and hobbling around, not too bad now that I am not standing 8-9 hours a day on it; hoping to get out to armouring as I can sit and get my repairs made to my kit and need to get authorized so I can attend Lysts at Castleton in early April.

Trying to ear better and have lost almost 7 lb.'s over the last week or so, no fast food does wonders for you.......