Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shield Making

Well working on Zach's new ½ inch birch kite shield, we cut it out last Wednesday and I got the cloth covering on the face yesterday. Today I spray painted (cheated) the back black and then went over it with some black paint. When that dries I am going to smooth out the edging and then move on to the attaching the edging. Once I get that done I will then prepare the face with gesso and then it will be ready for Zach to paint.

Once I get it pack I will move on the edging it with rawhide, which will be sew on to the shield every inch or so. Think I am going to dye the rawhide edging black, just need to make sure I get the right dye and figure out the best way to see it. I also plan to attach some heavy felt covered with heavy linen to the back for an arm pad. Once that is done it is back to Zach's for the final strapping.

After some thought, which was inspired from a nice chat with Zach last Wednesday night, I am going to settle and concentrate on Chivalric combat and give it a go again. I need to get into better shape and get back to strengthening my left shoulder back up. I made a commitment to to fight and then flaked out, which hasn't set sell with me. I do not like to make commitments and then abandon them as I take my given word seriously.

1 comment:

Maelgwyn Dda said...

I'm glad to hear of your re-commitment. There is a lot of fun to be had in any of several martial pursuits, but you really do need to pick one. Get your gear together, get out and fight, and stay with it a while.

Even if you can't fight yet you should come out on Tuesday for Knight School.

I have some leather dyes and rawhide scraps, so I plan to run some tests. I'm worried about how much dye will be lost when you soften the leather for final fitting, and whether the dye will bleed after that. A sealing coat of wax or acrylic seems like a very good idea.
