Thursday, October 2, 2008

Road to Recovery

Well going back to work Monday (10-06-08) and finally starting to feel better, my side is still a little tender and my stomach/abdominal muscles get fatigued, but on the mend.

Went to armouring at Zach's last night, did get much done but had a good time. Learned a whole lot about the subtlety of lines and form and just how beautiful medieval lines can be compared to modern lines (in regards to some sabatons Zach is working on).

Going to work on planning out my kit to meet my goals.

1. SCA Chivalric for Baronial War Company (c. 1400-1425)
2. SCA Chivalric Combat Archery for Baronial War Company (c. 1400-1425)
3. SCA Rapier for Cut and Thrust & Heavy Rapier (c. 1425-1450ish)

Mary is coming back in 3 weeks and we are putting a down payment down for a new puppy (male brindle bullmastiff) tomorrow and he should be come around the 2nd week of November.

1 comment:

susan said...

you have a digital camera, use it. not hard to get photos on here. have you checked out my blog? would love to see recent photos. yeah, this is gonna bum you out... love xo mom

just had to do it :-)