Thursday, October 9, 2008

Armouring 10-08-08

First productive armour workshop in quit a while, had a good time. Turn out was Zach, Kevin and me. I got all but 4 of the leg harness pieces sanded and hopefully will get them done and on to buffing them next week. Kevin worked on some half-gauntlets in 410 spring stainless and Zach re patterned his sabatons.

Hoping next Tuesday I will be up for some practice, not sure where I want to start though: get ready and get authorized Chivalric (on the road to Combat Archery) or Rapier (on the road to Cut and Thrust). Guess I just need to decide which path I want to take within the SCA.

Zach cut his shield out and I got mine measured, going to work on getting them prepped and gessosed for painting the edge them up.

Mary gets home from Georgia in 2 weeks, can't wait and we should have our new puppy the 2nd week of November. Need to get looking for a name for him.

1 comment:

Maelgwyn Dda said...

My advice: Get authorized for combat archery ASAP with your existing gear so you can come shoot at events. Then start gearing up/training at rapier.