Monday, June 8, 2009

la clase de espanol

Well started Spanish I last Monday, taking it as a 6 week course at ACC (local community college here) and after the 1st four days I have take (2) quiz's and (1) test so far. It is a lot of work, but seems to be working for me. Going Monday thru Thursday for 3 ½ hours and basically working Thursday thru Sunday (sometimes Monday afternoons) it gives me time to work on home work and to study. I have not had any urges to just skip class, which is like missing a whole week of class during a regular semester.

Downside is that I am pretty much, going to class, doing homework, studying and working and no a whole lot else. I keep telling myself it is only for the summer as I want to get Spanish I and Spanish II done so I can graduate and stop worrying about my degree which I have needed to finish for like 3 years now.

1 comment:

Gaston de Clermont said...

You can do it! It really is worth it!